Integration in the AIV room of the TGI  (Thirty Gigahertz Instrument), the second  instrument for the QUIJOTE Experiment,  at theTeide. © Pablo López /IAC
Pic legend 1: Integration in the AIV room of the TGI (Thirty Gigahertz Instrument), the second instrument for the QUIJOTE Experiment, at theTeide. © Pablo López /IAC

General information

  • Hosting Organisation
  • Adress
    C/Vía Láctea S/N, 38205-San Cristóbal de La Laguna, Tenerife


The IAC, a worldwide reference research centre in astrophysics, is a public research Consortium comprised by the Observatorios de Canarias (OCAN) and two headquarters, in La Laguna (Tenerife) and Breña Baja (La Palma). It has a state-of-the-art Technology Division with facilities and technical staff involved in the development of the most advanced instrumentation projects for the near future. In addition, the IAC has set up IACTEC in La Laguna, a technological and business collaboration space whose mission is to develop in the Canary Islands an innovative ecosystem for the transfer of high technology between the public sector and companies, taking advantage of the scientific and technological capital of the IAC

Main equipment or Facilities

1) Optical Laboratory: area of 160 m2, divided into three clean ISO class 8 rooms and an ISO class 6 room. Equipment includes optical instruments and a wide variety of other elements.

2) Optical fibre Laboratory: preparation, characterization and integration of optical fibres and bundles; the lab is equiped with STRASBAUGH and ENGIS polishing machines.

3) Electronics and Electromagnetic compatibility Laboratories: shielded isolated room of 35 m, and electronic equipment (oscilloscopes, signal analyzers, EMI receptors, etc.).

4) Laboratory of Imaging and Sensors for Astronomy: calibration and characterization of visible wavelength detectors (Quantum efficiency, noise, spectral response, etc).

5) Climatic chamber of 8000 liters of usable capacity, capable of simulating environments from -200C to 750C and 40% to 98% relative humidity, with 20C/minute gradient.

6) Mechanical Integration Laboratory: equipped with appropriated tools, precision measuring devices, and general purpose test cryostats and vacuum and cryogenic hardware.

7) Computer Aided Design & Engineering Laboratory: powerful hardware platforms and software to support mechanical design and analyze optical and mechanical systems.

8) Metrology Laboratory: 3D measuring machine with precision of a few microns, two portable coordinate measuring machines, an arm for small distances and a Laser Tracker.

9) Electronics Workshop: Multilayer printed circuit boards, SMDs, microcontrollers, special power supplies, racks and cables are routinely manufactured.

10) Mechanical Workshop: Lathes and mills with five numerically controlled high precision machines, painting enclosure, anodizing plant, shotblasting machine, furnace, and welding and cutting machines. Works on steel, stainless steel, aluminium alloys, bronce, teflon, etc.

11) Large instrument assembly, integration and verification room: With a floor area of 540 m2 and 10 m high, the lab is a 100000 class cleanroom. It is divided in several areas, including an anti-vibration plate for optics, as well as a GTC Nasmyth rotator simulator.

12) Advanced Optics Systems Centre: three laboratories for optical manufacture from 10 cm to 1.5 m of diameter, including grinding, polishing, ultrapolishing and coating. Three interferometers, profilometer and a 3D scanner will be available for metrology.

IACTEC comprises a purpose-built headquarters that offers businesses a space of more than 4000 m2, equipped with infrastructure, including offices, meeting rooms, clean rooms, multipurpose laboratory, storage areas, computer rooms, common areas, and underground parking.

Projects under Development

In addition to its research projects, the IAC conducts, among others, instrumental projects for space facilities (PLATO, LITEBIRD,...), operation and viability of telescopes (CTA,EST, TMT, OPTICON, SOLARNET), infrared instruments (HARMONI, HIRES, EMIR, MIRADAS, FRIDA, NIRPS), visible instruments (HORS, ESPRESSO, WEAVE, HARPS3), high-spatial resolution systems (GTCAO-LGS, EDiFiSE, EST) or microwave instruments (TGI-QUIJOTE, FGI-QUIJOTE, SANCHO). Through IACTEC IAC collaborates with industry in: (1) MicroSatellites: development of a sub-meter resolution camera (including optics and detector); (2) Medical Technology: among others, design and assembly of a device for detection of diabetes ulcers by using thermal and microwave imaging; (3) Large Telescopes: EST, CTAO, and NRT; (4) Optical and Quantum communications focused in develop and research of quantum optical communications equipments and implementations, between buildings, islands or with LEO/GEO satellite. In addition exploit Adaptive Optics in quantum optical communications and develop powerful new technologies.

Technology Capabilities

Optical system design and testing, Mechanical and opto-mechanical system design and development, Cryogenic and vacuum system design and development, Precision mechanics, Adaptive optics, Fibre optics, Control systems, Sensor characterisation, Project management, Systems, Electronic system, Software design and Laser communications.

Summary of Research Services

The IAC’s Technology Division, in close coordination with IACTEC, provides technology, development and production support for research and technology projects.

Procurement process

Law 9/2017, of 8 November 2017, on Public Procurement, which transposes Directives 2014/23/EU and 2014/24/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council, of 26 February 2014, into Spanish law.