CDTI Innovacion
Image CDTI

General information

    • Center for the Development of Technology and Innovation, E.P.E.
    • Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities
    • C/ Cid, 4 28001, Madrid, Spain
  • WEB

CDTI and Big Science

CDTI Innovación is the national innovation agency belonging to the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities, which fosters the innovation of Spanish companies including the Big Science market. We run these activities from our headquarters in Madrid, supported by our international network.

CDTI Innovación is the official Industrial Liaison Officer (ILO) for CERN, ESOESRF, ESS, European XFEL,  F4E, ITER, ILL and SKAO, fostering the involvement of Spanish industries in these organisations and providing support for others. CDTI also is the industrial expert in the Horizon Europe Research Infrastructures and EURATOM-Fusion programme committees. In addition CDTI Innovación promotes the participation of Spanish industry and its technology capabilities towards national research infrastructures included in the Map of Unique Science and Technology Infrastructures, managed by the Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities. We are involved:

1. With industry

  • Raising awareness and informing potential suppliers about medium and long-term plans of the research infrastructures as well as forthcoming calls for tenders.
  • Providing support to companies in their understanding of the technical, contractual and financial requirements to become a supplier.
  • Monitoring awarded contracts to Spanish industry.

2. With research infrastructures

  • Informing research infrastructures about our national industrial capabilities.
  • Supporting international and national research organisations in setting up collaborations  with industry in the R&D phase and promoting technology transfer activities, often through the participation in European projects.
  • Providing advice on the definition and implementation of the organisations' purchasing rules.
  • Organising industrial events, international infodays, Spanish days at the RIs, national infodays and workshops.

3. With our delegation

  • Collaborating with the Spanish delegation to the Research Infrastructures as expert for industrial matters.
  • Advising our ministry in the definition of in-kind contributions.
  • Analysing industrial capacities for Spanish hosted research infrastructure projects. 
  • Collaborating with our ministry as member of the member of the ICTS committee, providing support for all industrial and technology matters..


More information about CDTI and Big Science can be found here.

Spanish suppliers in Big Science facilities

imagen retorno industrial

Since 2005, Spanish industry has been awarded over 1800 million euros from large scientific facilities 1, won in a highly competitive market without rules of guaranteed georeturn. Our national industry has contributed to the main technological areas of these projects in areas as relevant as mechanical engineering, control systems, electro-magnetism and superconductivity, power systems, radiofrequency systems, cryogenic and vacuum systems, etc.



Specific funding tools related to Big Science facilities

CDTI Innovación supports industrial research and innovation projects for large scientific facilities with a wide variety of funding instruments which cater for startups, individual projects, industrial consortia and collaboration with research institutions. More details can be found in