SOGECLAIR ITER project -  Equatorial render
Pic legend 1: SOGECLAIR ITER project - Equatorial render

General information

  • Company name
  • Adress
    C/ Francisco Gasco Santillán 2B 28906 Getafe (Madrid) - Spain
  • Turnover
    3.36 million EUR in year 2023
  • Employees
    63 in year 2023
  • SME
  • Contact Info:
    • Phone
    • Email

Activity and Skills

SOGECLAIR is an international leader in the design, manufacturing and integration of high added value solutions in the fields of aeronautics, space, science installations, civil and military transportation systems.

We are located in Spain, France, Germany, UK, North America and Tunisia. In Spain, SOGECLAIR aerospace S.A. has developed different projects in the frame of R&T and Big Science Installations appling the group quality system and policies to ensure the integrity of the project.

We are recognized experts in:

- Mechanical Design and manufacture of structures and systems, tooling for Nuclear/Energies Industry, Design and Manufacturing for pipelines and Systems Installations,
- Simulation and stress analysis,
- Manufacturing engineering and support,
- Configuration management at program, engineering and industrial levels,
- Design and manufacturing of aircraft interiors,
- Design and manufacturing of onboard and simulated equipment,
- Thermoplastics,
- Additive manufacturing,
- Simulation and Training solutions.

Through our technical expertise of big volume projects and our all-integrated resources SOGECLAIR can present an efficient end-to-end offer to meet customer needs in Big Science Installations domain.

Other certifications: EN-9100 extended ISO-9001 requirements for Aerospace Industry

Contracts for Big Science facilities

[ITER ORGANIZATION - OBUU TECH ] IO/19/17922/DAL: Lot 7: VVTS Port Shroud Assembly Tools (2019)
Awarded with this contract with the objective of deliver, from the design to the manufacture, and testing of 3 tools for the assembly of the upper, equatorial and lower port shroud. The main challenge of this contract is to create the most optimal design form the design-to-cost point of view to be able to deliver all the sets within a limited budget.
[ITER ORGANIZATION] Assembly Processes, Equipment and Machining Contracts supplier approval process (2019)
We were prequalified as Lead contractors for ITER Assembly Processes, Equipment and Machining Contracts Lot6 (Lifting Equipment and Related Accessories) and Lot7 (Assembly Equipment)

Relevant R&D projects

[HORIZON 2020 – Clean Sky ] -HYGIEIA Project (HYGIEIA ) (2020 - 2022)
The objective of the HYGIEIA project is to design and manufacture a greywater container with reduced biofilm growth, based on appropriate surface coatings. HYGIEIA evaluates two surface coating technology solutions that incorporate broad-spectrum antimicrobial materials plied through wet and dry approaches: nano-particle paints and physical vacuum coatings (PVD).
[LAB4PYMES – CAM ] -iceAIs Project (iceAIs ) (2020 - 2021)
Project developed in cooperation with the Carlos_III University of Madrid. Artificial Intelligence and Neuronal networks applied to aerospace runway conditions. The technical ambition of the project is to develop a pilot test of a system based on a neural network and optical sensor technology from UC3M that will be capable of processing significant input data related to the parameters that influence the presence of ice on airports pavements, in order to carry out an automatic real-time assessment of the level of risk and classify it according to the RWYCC codes of the harmonized Runway Condition Assessment Matrix (RCAM).
[HORIZON 2020 – Clean Sky ] -HEFESTO Project (HEFESTO )
The goal of the HEFESTO project has been to develop a novel multi-layer coating that effectively thermally insulates and flameproof CFRP to withstand operational conditions and fire hazards in the immediate area of a helicopter engine.

Technology Areas
