Observatorio de Yebes
40m radiotelescope. Main instrument of the Yebes Observatory
Balanced amplifier for the Radionet European project, designed and assembled at the Yebes Observatory.
The three stages of a low noise amplifier built at the Yebes Observatory
Laser telemetry station at the Yebes Observatory
Pic legend 1: 40m radiotelescope. Main instrument of the Yebes Observatory
Pic legend 2: Balanced amplifier for the Radionet European project, designed and assembled at the Yebes Observatory.
Pic legend 3: The three stages of a low noise amplifier built at the Yebes Observatory
Pic legend 4: Laser telemetry station at the Yebes Observatory

General information


Yebes Observatory, located in the municipality of Yebes (Guadalajara) is a research institute which belongs to the Spanish National Geographic Institute (Ministry of Transportes y Movilidad Sostenible). The Observatory is devoted to observing astronomical sources in the radio spectrum to achieve a better understanding of our Universe and our Earth as well as to developing and constructing instrumentation in the field of radio astronomy.

Main equipment or Facilities

1) The 40m radio telescope is a Nasmyth-Cassegrain antenna which operates in the centimetre and millimetre wave range. It is the most important observing instrument of the Observatory of Yebes and it is currently equipped with high sensitivity cryogenic dual polarization receivers which cover the following bands: 2.1-2.4 GHz, 4.5-9 GHz, 8.1-8.9 GHz, 18-32 GHz, 32-50 GHz and 72-90 GHz. The telescope works in two different modes: as a single dish telescope and as an element of several international interferometric networks like the European VLBI Network and the Global Millimeter VLBI Array. As a single dish element, it is equipped with an ultra-wide 18 GHz spectral backend, state of the art, connected to the 32-50 GHz and 72-90 GHz receivers and a 14 GHz spectral backend connected to the 18-32 GHz receiver. For the second type of observations the telescope is equipped with instrumentation that allows to record, store and transfer big volumes of data at very high speed to the correlator centers. The telescope, and the rest of the Observatory is connected at 100 Gb/s to the high velocity Spanish scientific network Rediris-NOVA.

2) The 13.2 m radio telescope of the Observatory of Yebes, is one of the most active and important elements of the VLBI Global Observing System (VGOS) within the Internationa VLBI Service (IVS). It is also the main node of the Red Atlántica de Estaciones Geoespaciales (RAEGE) composed of 4 telescopes: Yebes, Santa María (Açores Islands), Gran Canaria in the Canary Islands (still under construction) and Flores (only projected). The telescope is specially designed to perform geodetic VLBI VGOS observations, and as such it is equipped with a high wide band receiver between 2 and 14 GHz. The data are recorded and stored locally and transferred later to the corresponding geodetic correlator.

3) Microwave and Millimeter Wave Cryogenic Laboratory. The Observatory of Yebes is a center for the development of radio astronomy devices and is considered an international reference in this area for its quality and reliability. The developments are mainly performed at these laboratories which are equipped with microwave, millimeter and cryogenic instrumentation for the characterization of microwave and millimeter components. The frequency range extends from DC to 140 GHz and the characterization of the devices is done in a wide temperature range: from ambient to cryogenic temperatures (4 K).

Projects under Development

ORP is a 15 M€ ERC project that manages funding for all European optical and radio telescopes. The IGN takes part in several activities related to the proposal tool and the influence and mitigation of RFI on the radio observations
RADIOBLOCKS project, granted 10 M € by the European Commission, is focused in developing “common building blocks” for technological solutions in radio astronomy beyond state-of-the-art, that will enable a broad range of new science and enhance European scientific competitiveness. The IGN takes part in several work packages of this project.
YDEAS is a next generation EU project funded with 675 k€ for the development of cryogenic low noise amplifiers and optical elements for radio astronomy receivers.

Technology Capabilities

The different facilities of Yebes infrastructure provide capabilities focused on the design, assembly and characterization of active and passive microwave and millimeter wave devices at ambient and cryogenic temperature, development of cryogenic receivers, design and characterization of antennas, microwave circuits, gravity measurements and time and frequency measurements. The experience of the staff also provides a big expertise in software control and analysis.

Summary of Research Services

Astronomical observations with the 40 m radio telescope in VLBI and single dish modes. Geodetic VLBI Observations with the 13.2m radio telescope and the RAEGE network. Design, construction, assembly and characterization of microwave circuits, devices and radio astronomy cryogenic receivers.

Procurement process

In accordance with Spanish Law 9/2017, November 8th, of Public Sector Contracts https://www.boe.es/buscar/pdf/2017/BOE-A-2017-12902-consolidado.pdf