CIEMAT - Department of Technology, Accelerators and Electric Drives
The MCBXF at the SM-18 inside one cryomodule for the HL-LHC (CERN)
Main hall of the SMART-LAB for prototype magnet development
Ion source test facility
Facility for testing linear generators for wave energy conversion
Pic legend 1: The MCBXF at the SM-18 inside one cryomodule for the HL-LHC (CERN)
Pic legend 2: Main hall of the SMART-LAB for prototype magnet development
Pic legend 3: Ion source test facility
Pic legend 4: Facility for testing linear generators for wave energy conversion

General information

  • Hosting Organisation
    CIEMAT - Department of Technology, Accelerators and Electric Drives
  • Adress
    Avenida Complutense, 40. 28040 Madrid. Spain


Public Research Center focused on energy, environment, technology and specific areas of fundamental research. Aimed at developing activity on research and development in collaboration of public and private institutions and innovation within collaborative projects and contracts with industry.

Main equipment or Facilities

- The SMART Laboratory for developing superconducting magnet prototypes, including winding, reacting, collaring and assembling facilities.
- Facility for testing immersion-cooled small superconducting magnets
- Facility for testing conduction-cooled superconducting magnets
- Facility for testing ion sources for particle accelerators
- Facility for the characterization of RF Cavities
- Facility for testing kinetic energy storage systems
- Facility for testing big linear generators and power aonverters

Projects under Development

Area of Superconducting Magnets:

PRISMAC (Very High Field Superconducting Magnets Program):
- Development of the MCBXF magnets for HL-LHC@CERN
- Development of the SMART Laboratory
- Starting activities in the High Field Magnet Program
- Extension to activities in HTS magnets for Fusion
MAGNEXT (Next Generation Magnets for the Next Generation of Particle Accelerators): development of a split magnet for the ILC project
HITRI PLUS (Heavy Ion Therapy Research Integration): development of a curved canted cosine theta LTS Magnet
iFAST (Innovation Fostering in Accelerator Science and Technology):
- Development of a straight canted cosine theta LTS magnet
- Development of a dipole based on permanent magnets

Area of Particle Accelerators:

LIPAC-DONES: commissioning & control systems
- Participation in the development of magnets
- Participation in beam dynamic analysis
- Participation in the development of RF systems (buncher & BPMs) and other components
WPENS: beam dynamics analysis for the DONES accelerator and the liquid lithium target
MEDICAL ACCELERATORS: participation in the RFQ, IH tanks and BPMs of an accelerator for radiobiological studies

Area of energy generation and managements:

POSEIDON: development of three energy storage systems adapted for their application in maritime transport
MARES: development of a superconducting generator for wave energy conversion
SCALE: development of components for an ultrahigh speed ground transportation system (Hyperloop)
HYBRIDHYDRO: hybrid energy storage for hydraulic power stations
STORIES: establishing a network of industries and research centres for the analysis of hybrid storage
GREENH2CM: power electronics for H2 generation from renewables

Technology Capabilities

- Calculation & simulation of particle accelerators for medical uses and other societal applications
- Design, fabrication and testing of accelerator components including magnets, beam position monitors, RF cavities, control systems, etc.
- Design, fabrication and testing of superconducting magnets for particle accelerators or any other application in sectors like energy & transportation
- Applications of energy storage in electric power systems, including hybrid energy storage systems for isolated of grid-connected applications
- Development and dimensioning of energy storage systems, including the storage device, the power converters and the control system
- Design and fabrication of electromagnetic devices and the associated power converters and control systems for high-speed ground transportation

Summary of Research Services

- Research in particle accelerators participating in collaborative projects in medical accelerators and also in international collaborations in high energy physics accelerators and colliders.
- State of the art superconducting magnets for high energy physics facilities and also for their social applications. This includes high field magnets and high critical temperature magnets
- Advanced energy storage systems including superconducting magnetic, kinetic, supercapacitor and battery based devices with the corresponding power converters and control systems
- Advanced electromagnetic devices for energy generation and transportation

Procurement process

Government Procurement Platform
CIEMAT Contractor Profile web