Precasting ideas since 1944
Accelerator-Based Neutron Source_Blocks
Thame Valley Viaduct_ Pier
Pic legend 2: Accelerator-Based Neutron Source_Blocks
Pic legend 3: Thame Valley Viaduct_ Pier

General information

  • Company name
  • Adress
    Pº Castellana 259D, 28046 Madrid
  • Turnover
    124.80 million EUR in year 2023
  • Employees
    511 in year 2023
  • SME
  • Contact Info:
    • Phone
      0091 529 79 00
    • Email

Activity and Skills

PACADAR is a globally recognized leader in the design, manufacture, transportation, and assembly of reinforced and prestressed concrete prefabricated elements.

With 80 years of experience and technological leadership, we offer the most comprehensive range of prefabricated concrete products for the construction of all types of structures, including civil works, industrial buildings, and residential buildings, anywhere in the world.

To achieve this, we have factories and offices in Spain, the United Kingdom, Saudi Arabia, Australia, the United States, Mexico, and Panama.

We are well aware that every project requires a different service, in a variety of environments and countries, which demands a high level of adaptability, either in national or international projects, to provide the greatest possible flexibility in meeting our clients’ needs, always honouring our commitment to quality. That is why we offer a Flexible Project Scheme, ensuring that each project is tailored to the specific requirements of our clients. Our Global Presence allows us to operate seamlessly across different regions, bringing our expertise to both national and international projects. Additionally, our On-site Plant capabilities enable us to deliver high-quality solutions directly at the project location, ensuring efficiency and precision in execution.

Pacadar has a strong commitment to research and development (R&D), not only through projects directly aimed at enhancing our technology and innovation processes but also by collaborating in the construction of R&D centers, providing our prefabricated solutions. Our contributions as precast company have been instrumental in several key projects, including:

- The Biotechnological Spin-Off Container Building
- The R&D Building UBE in Puerto Castellón
- Building 7000 of PCTECH, Center for Innovation and Technology Transfer, in Huelva
- Radiotrans Offices in Madrid
- The R&D Center in Nanomachining and Precision Optics

These projects exemplify our dedication to advancing R&D infrastructure and supporting innovation across various sectors. By leveraging our expertise in prefabricated construction, we ensure that these centers are built to the highest standards, fostering an environment conducive to cutting-edge research and technological advancements.

Contracts for Big Science facilities

[ESS] Common Shielding System (2020 - 2024)
In March 2020, PACADAR was awarded throughout an international competitive bidding with the manufacturing of the more 1.500 blocks that conforms the ESS Common Shielding Project. These blocks make up the radiation shielding for the instrument guides of 7 instruments at ESS (BIFROST, CSPEC, DREAM, ODIN, NMX, BEER and MAGIC). PACADAR is contributing to the design and will carry out the manufacturing, delivery and installation overview of the precast concrete shielding blocks under the most demanding requirements of accuracy, tolerances and safety conditions when the ESS is fully operational. The quality of the work carried out by the team involved has meant that, in addition to the pieces that make up the armor, Chopper Team Project has awarded us the design, manufacture and delivery of other parts of special precision (+/-3 mm of dimensional tolerance).
[ALBA] Synchrotron Light Laboratory Phase II Civil Works ALBA Tunnel in Cerdanyola del Valles (2006 - 2007)
ALBA is a 3rd generation Synchrotron Light facility located in Cerdanyola del Vallès (Barcelona), being the newest site in the Mediterranean area. PACADAR supplied prefabricated elements for the execution of the roof and the bunker walls. Both the roof and the walls are made of heavy concrete blocks. The blocks were manufactured with precast concrete, in different shapes and sizes. The main coarse aggregate of the concrete is barite (4.47 tn/m3). To reduce dust generation, the concrete blocks have a surface coating. PACADAR was responsible for reviewing the detailed design of the ALBA blocks, preparing the detailed plans, quality control of manufacturing, manufacturing, delivery, supervision, and installation.

Relevant R&D projects

[CDTI] Experimental validation of new fatigue technology for fiber-reinforced concrete structures subjected to low-frequency cyclic loads (2017)
The main objective of this project was to advance the research on the fatigue behavior of concrete and determine the evolutionary trend of the material's resistance to cyclic loads, as well as its relationship with other mechanical properties, such as compressive strength. This was aimed at developing a new experimental mathematical model, valid for the design and structural calculation of prefabricated concrete elements with high fatigue demands, including those subjected to low-frequency cyclic loads. To achieve this objective, various testing campaigns were conducted. These aimed to establish the evolutionary trend of concrete's fatigue resistance and its relationship with other mechanical properties (compressive strength) that determine the variability in the material's response when subjected to fatigue stresses.
[] Cost effective floating foundation for wind energy production at deep seas (CEFLOWIND) (2014)
CEFLOWIND is an RIA project that addresses the specific challenge of developing the necessary technology for obtaining wind energy under the LCE02-2015 topic of the Horizon 2020 program. Its name comes from the acronym "Cost-Effective FLOating platform," as it is an offshore system comprising a floating foundation and a wind tower, both made of ultra-high-strength concrete reinforced with a new generation of corrosion-resistant fibers. The main objective of the project was to reduce the costs associated with wind energy production through the innovative development of an integrated offshore system. This system significantly reduces production, installation, operation, and maintenance (O&M) costs for regions where the bathymetry exceeds 50 meters.
[CDTI] Fiber-reinforced concrete in prefabricated elements for applications with high fatigue requirements (2013 - 2013)
The primary objective of the project was the design and testing of new formulations of fiber-reinforced concrete. Through a planned study of their mechanical behavior under fatigue and their sensitivity to loading frequency, a numerically validated fatigue model based on experimental data was derived. This model facilitates the calculation of prefabricated structural elements that will be subjected to cyclic loads. The initial focus was on the following highly relevant application fields, which have significant industrial potential: - Onshore and offshore wind energy - Support elements for offshore infrastructure - Support elements for high-speed rail
[CDTI] Characterization and modeling of the behavior of prefabricated concrete shafts for wind turbines (2011 - 2011)
The main objectives of the project can be summarized in the following key points: 1) Development of a theoretical method for modeling prefabricated concrete structures for wind turbine towers. 2) Development of a new methodology for the manufacturing, transportation, and assembly of shafts, optimizing the design of the towers with the incorporation of highly innovative solutions, mainly regarding the use of prestressing technology, materials used, and transverse and longitudinal joint systems. 3) Construction of a full-scale prototype at any height and generator power to validate both the developed theoretical model and the methodology for the manufacturing, transportation, and assembly of the new towers.
[CDTI] Development and industrial implementation of techniques for determining the orientation and effectiveness of fibers in metal fiber-reinforced concrete (2010 - 2011)
The main objective of the project was the development, comparative evaluation, and industrial implementation of various methods for determining the effectiveness of steel fibers used in the reinforcement of high-strength concrete, based on their distribution and orientation in different studied matrices. The evaluated methods included both destructive and non-destructive techniques. Among the destructive methods studied were computed axial tomography (CAT) scans performed on samples extracted from various structural elements, and the mathematical models developed for analyzing the CAT scans. The non-destructive methods evaluated were based on different physical principles, such as the electrical resistivity of the material and its magnetic conductivity.
[] Ultrasonic propagation velocity in prefabricated elements with fiber-reinforced concrete for pathology evaluation
The primary objective of the project was the analysis of pathologies in prefabricated elements with fiber-reinforced concrete by determining the ultrasonic propagation velocity and calibrating this method for its industrial implementation as part of quality control. This method aims to detect matrix heterogeneity, cavity formation, micro-cracking, non-homogeneous fiber orientation, and the formation of weakness planes.
[] Dynamic analysis of the elastic modulus of slender prefabricated elements subjected to cyclic loads
The project in question, carried out on different types of prefabricated pieces from PACADAR, such as segments for wind turbine towers, trough beams, and boxes, had as its main objective the analysis of the natural vibration frequencies of the mentioned structural elements subjected to dynamic loads and their relationship with the elastic modulus, both of the piece and the concrete used in their manufacture. The aim was to obtain factors that would allow correlating the results of laboratory tests, conducted as part of the company's exhaustive quality control, with the actual behavior of the elements under dynamic loads in their final arrangement.
[] Experimental response of high-strength fiber-reinforced concrete to explosive loads
To analyze the influence of concrete softening, three different dosages of high-strength self-compacting fiber-reinforced concrete were designed, all with the same matrix but with increasing levels of reinforcement (low, intermediate, and high). The mechanical characterization tests conducted on the concretes, which included fracture energy measurements at high deformation speeds, allowed for the corroboration of the clearly differentiated softening behaviors obtained with the designed dosages. Subsequently, the three concretes were subjected to an experimental explosive load campaign, consisting of subjecting three plates (one of each type of concrete) to the same explosive load. To control experimental dispersion, this testing procedure was repeated a total of three times, ensuring a minimum of three plates of each concrete type were subjected to the same explosive load. The results showed a clear influence of fiber content on the cracking patterns observed after the tests.
[] HYPERLOOP Project
The objective of this research was the development of materials and designs for the main structure of the tube and the substructure of the future high-speed railway HYPERLOOP. The system operates propelled by magnetic levitation, and the pod travels inside a tube made of ultra-high-performance concrete, within which a vacuum is maintained.
[] Design of prefabricated slab track adapted to the Spanish high-speed railway system
The objective of this research work was the design of a slab track system, based on the Japanese system, adapted to the conditions of the Spanish railway system. The work includes the design of the slab and its supporting structure, the rail fastening system, and the study of noise and its attenuation. The research has both a theoretical aspect (logically supported by the extensive Japanese experience) and a verification aspect through laboratory tests
[] Monitoring of movements in high-rise buildings. Application to Torre Espacio, corporate headquarters of Pacadar
The objective of this research work was the design of a system for measuring oscillations of very low amplitude and frequency in high-rise buildings, using infrared laser beams and ultra-low frequency accelerometers specifically designed for this purpose. The initial application of the project was the measurement of the movements experienced by Torre Espacio (now Torre Emperador), the corporate headquarters of Pacadar.
