Safran Electronics & Defense Spain
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White Rabbit Timing Triggering System
Pic legend 1: LLRF
Pic legend 2: White Rabbit Timing Triggering System
Pic legend 3: BPM

General information

  • Company name
    Safran Electronics & Defense Spain
  • Adress
    Calle Periodista Rafael Gómez Montero 2, Edificio CETIC-UGR, Oficina 5, 18014, Granada
  • Turnover
    7.90 million EUR in year 2024
  • Employees
    +100 in year 2024
  • SME
  • Contact Info:
    • Phone
    • Email

Activity and Skills

The headquarters of Safran Electronics & Defense Spain is located in Granada and operates as a customer-focused company with more than 15 years of experience in the Spanish market and specialized in Resilient Positioning, Navigation, and Timing (R-PNT) solutions, encompassing both products and services. The company brings extensive expertise in embedded systems, sub-nanosecond time transfer (White Rabbit - IEEE-1588-2019-HA), low phase noise frequency distribution, GNSS simulation, and Inertial Navigation Systems for reliable applications in Aerospace, Defense, Government (ADG), and critical infrastructure sectors such as Fintech, data centers, or science projects.
The company participates from early stages in diverse scientific infrastructures (particle accelerators and distributed radio-astronomy facilities) in Time and Synchronization, as well as frequency distribution.
Our contribution in different scientific infrastructures is the creation of break-through solutions for timing and for advanced control systems and diagnosis in particle accelerators. Among them it is worth mentioning developments such as LLRF, BPM or timing system based on White Rabbit.
Within the particular competences for scientific facilities, the following should be highlighted:
- Design and manufacturing of advanced electronic products: PCBs, Time and RF distribution equipment, costumizable and safety critical platforms.
- Embedded systems programming: DSPs & SoC software, FPGA gateware, drivers development, costumizable firmware for safety-criticial and industrial applications.
- Fast control and system integration: including Hardware (VME, CPCIe, mictroTCA) and Fast Feedback Control System Using FPGA for RF Signals
- Software for control system and remote control based on EPICS
Furthermore, SED Spain solutions for science includes Quantum capabilities for compuation and secure data transmission, photonics components and hybrid data & quantum space systems based on disruptive FSOC technologies.
Our expertise:
Resilient PNT:
• Embedded systems
• Timing and Frequency Distribution
• GNSS Simulation
• GNSS Interference, Detection and Mitigation
• Inertial Systems
• Sensor Fusion
• R&D
High Energy Physics:
• Scientific equipment for particle accelerators, fusion reactors and scientific facilities.

Contracts for Big Science facilities

[OTHER] M5 CDHB Avionics TSN System (2024)
Develops a TSN system for PLD SPACE, based on New Space philosophy, focusing on integrating TSN technologies in space and aviation applications.
[OTHER - CEA] Supply of the TITAN Electronic Beam Position Monitor system (2023)
[OTHER] UKRI - Supply of a timing and triggering system based on White Rabbit (2023)
[ALBA] Low Level Radio Frequency (LLRF) (2023)
Project for the supply of the digital low level radiofrequency system (DLLRF) for the storage ring of the Alba Synchrotron
[SKAO] Mid & Low Timing Distribution (UTC) Systems (2023 - 2027)
Design, procure, manufacture, Integrate and commission operational SAT UTC system for the MID and LOW telescopes of the Square Kilometre Array Observatory
Reliable TSN services through operator infrastructures, achieving latencies of less than one millisecond. Subcontracted by UPC with Telefónica as a participant, it will influence TSN adoption in 5G/6G.
Enables TSN capabilities via FPGA, including switches and translator nodes for TEU. The system provides synchronization through PTP and a time interface for deterministic transmissions with bounded latency. 5G/6G Telecom.
Enquiry for White Rabbit based Time Distribution System: Procurement of WR Switches
[F4E] F4E (2021)
Management specification for the check out and repair of the PSYS of RF modules at LIPAc
[ESS BILBAO] ESS Bilbao - ESS ERIC accelerator (2020)
Detail design and supply of eleven local oscillators and two local oscillator distributors for the 352 MHz section of the ESS ERIC accelerator
Contrato para el diseño de detalle y suministro de once osciladores locales y dos distribuidores de oscilador local para la sección a 352MHz del acelerador ESS-ERIC.
[F4E] F4E-OFC-0935 (2018)
Framework contract for the development of new functionalities and support services for LIPAc LLRF
[F4E] F4E-OFC-0911 (2018)
Supply of High-Speed digitizer and control system of the beam position monitor for the IFMIF/LIPAc accelerator
[CERN] CERN - DO-30856 (2018)
Supply of hardware devices (White Rabbit Switches)
[CERN] CERN - DO-30550 (2018)
Provision of Electronics Engineering Consultancy Services
[F4E] F4E-OFC-0889 (2017)
Development of new functionalities for LIPAc LLRF

Relevant R&D projects

[CDTI - MISIONES] Industrial research in technologies and processes applied to IFMIF-DONES in order to evolve in the fusion program (DONES - EVO ) (2024)
Faster, more secure, and energy-efficient data processing solutions by combining IoT and AI in distributed systems for applications in Digital Life, Digital Industry, and Smart Mobility. Use case: Power plant with large data flows. TSN enables traffic transmission with different priorities on the same medium and provides a common time reference for various applications.
Provides distributed intelligence from edge to cloud for cyber-physical systems with moving elements, focusing on control aspects implementable in Industry 4.0. Addresses challenges in energy efficiency, size, speed, precision, adaptability, and secure connectivity. Our main contribution is providing deterministic communication networks with TSN in real-time communication use cases, allowing us to work and test our technology in industrial environments.
Optimizes data flow in IFMIF-DONES through advanced TSN and WR study. Includes the development of an RF/BPM-based prototype, data acquisition in complex infrastructures, and a wireless TSN solution for complex environments.
Develops advanced sensors and sensor systems for human observation and measurement. Uses ML-based data analysis to process multi-sensor information in (semi) real-time, supporting the adaptive distribution of algorithms from edge to cloud.
