Arceclima Sistemas y Aplicaciones S.L.
Electric cubicles - CERN AD TARGET
Cooling skid - CERN n-TOF
Nuclear filters - CERN AD TARGET
Pic legend 1: Electric cubicles - CERN AD TARGET
Pic legend 2: Cooling skid - CERN n-TOF
Pic legend 3: Nuclear filters - CERN AD TARGET

General information

  • Company name
    Arceclima Sistemas y Aplicaciones S.L.
  • Adress
  • Turnover
    48.49 million EUR in year 2023
  • Employees
    206 in year 2023
  • SME
  • Contact Info:
    • Phone
    • Email

Activity and Skills

Established In 1994, Arce Clima started a new project to become a leading provider of design, installation and maintenance solutions in the fields of HVAC and Fire Protection.

Proven experience in 18 European countries, including UK, Italy, France, Germany. Thousands of Projects done, Arce Clima is especially skilled in accomplishing the planning.

Arce Clima has carried out several major projects over 5.000.000 €, some not located in Spain.
About 30 Project Managers, many of them experienced in several different European countries.

Arce Clima has developed its own SCADA systems focused on improving HVAC efficiency. Experienced in BIM projects.

Diversity of designs and installations: Logistic centers, Data Process Centers, Factories, CERN (Industrial), Commercial Centers, Historical buildings.

Contracts for Big Science facilities

[CERN] CONTRACT F808/SCE - Supply, install and commission the heating, ventilation air conditioning and electricity (HVAC E) installations, for a new centralised heating plant in building 776 (2024 - 2026)
Supply, install and commission the heating, ventilation air conditioning and electricity (HVAC E) installations, for a new centralised heating plant comprising two boilers and one heating pumpin building 776 to feed an existing distric heating net.
[CERN] F760/EN/HL-LHC - Primary and Demineralized Water Cooling Systems, Sump Raising Systems, Firefighting Network and Pipework for the High Luminosity Project (2021 - 2025)
Construction, design, supply, installation, testing and commissioning of the primary and demineralized water cooling systems in surface buildings SF, SHM, SD and underground areas, the firefighting network, the sump raising systems, the pipework installation in the shaft PM and the associated electrical and controls systems for the new HL-LHC buildings in Point 1 and in Point 5 of the LHC accelerator.
[CERN] F738/EN - Design, supply, installation, testing and commissioning of the new HVAC Systems for the Antiproton Decelerator Target Areas (2020 - 2021)
Design, supply, installation, testing and commissioning of the new ventilation systems for the AD target area and surrounding buildings; the smoke extraction of the AD target area; and the pumping stations of TT6 tunnel and AD target area sumps. The work will be carried out on the French territory of the CERN Meyrin site.
[CERN] CD8469841 - Ventilation system and process facilities for the NANOLAB Project (2020 - 2021)
Design, supply, installation, testing and commissioning of the ventilation systems and process facilities for the extension of the MEDICIS class A laboratory, named NANOLAB. The MEDICIS facility is in Building 179 situated on the Swiss part of the CERN Meyrin site and is classified as a radiation area.
[CERN] CD7980451 - Design, supply, installation, testing and commissioning of the cooling stations for the third generation neutron spallation target of n_TOF facility (2019 - 2020)
Design, supply, installation, testing and commissioning of the new cooling stations and the associated chilled water production and distribution system for the third generation neutron spallation target of the n_TOF facility. The n_TOF experiment is located on the French part of the Meyrin site and is classified as a radiation area.

Relevant R&D projects

No registered projects
