A TÜV NORD Group Company
Vibration testing in ISO5 clean conditions
Electromagnetic compatibility
Main board of the Magnetics diagnostics
Pic legend 1: Vibration testing in ISO5 clean conditions
Pic legend 2: Electromagnetic compatibility
Pic legend 3: Main board of the Magnetics diagnostics
Pic legend 4: STUMM-PROTO

General information

  • Company name
  • Adress
  • Turnover
    52.00 million EUR in year 2023
  • Employees
    450 in year 2023
  • SME
  • Contact Info:
    • Phone
    • Email

Activity and Skills

ALTER TECHNOLOGY TÜV NORD SAU (hereafter ATN), a member company of TÜV NORD GROUP, is a quality-driven company providing test services, engineering and procurement for electronic systems, equipment and electronics components, within the space and harsh environment markets. ATN works in many markets including, but not limited to, Aerospace, Big Science, Defence & Security, Transport, Energy.

ALTER’s activities in Big Science are:

- Project Management as Prime Contractor.
- Specialised testing: EMC, magnetic field, nuclear radiation, thermal, mechanical, electrical, optical, chemical…
- Design and automation of ad-hoc test benches.
- Electronic design and manufacturing.
- Assessment of Compliance with CE marking.

ATN provides engineering services regarding regulatory and product conformity requirements, particularly regulation application and product certification as well as dedicated engineering and testing services for components evaluation for harsh environments, as for the product assurance services: Environmental conditions, reliability/ functional safety analysis, engineering, EMC testing, radiation and magnetics, radio communications and & optical testing.

Contracts for Big Science facilities

STUMM-PROTO is a prototype of the Start-Up Monitoring Module of the future IFMIF-DONES facility. The goal of STUMM is to characterize and commission the neutron beam generated by the deuterons colliding with the molten Li curtain. STUMM-PROTO consortium is led by ALTER. ESS Bilbao Target team has done the mechanical design of the vessel and Thune Eureka has manufactured it. ALTER has done the measurement electronics and the control system. STUMM-PROTO is a vessel divided in 8 channels, each one populated with a rig that holds a multiplicity of nuclear sensors. The vessel can work between room temperature and 320ºC and between vacuum and 3.5 bar.
[F4E] Support Services in the Fields of CE Marking and Regulatory Compliance (2021 - 2025)
Alter is the leader of the Consortium composed of Companies of TÜV NORD Group covering the main industrial CE Marking Directives and Regulations (EMC, LVD, RED, PED, MD, ATEX, CPR). The main tasks of this franmework contract are: -analysis of applicability of CE Marking directives (identifying Equipment/Assemblies that require CE Marking based on provided PA Technical specifications and PA Design Documents); -review of F4E component/assembly supplier CE Marking approach -review of F4E component/assembly supplier conformity documentation and instruction manuals -support to F4E on EMC and ATEX including on-site inspections -various focused analysis on specific CE Marking and Regulatory Topics Among analyzed systems are Upper and Equatorial Ports, MITICA Gas and Vacuum System, SPIDER CODAS, CPRHS, JT60 Centrifuge Accelerator, Gyrotrons, various auxiliary equipment, etc…
[F4E - In co-contraction with GTD] Provision of Bespoke Electronic Integration and Manufacturing Services (2021 - 2026)
Task order 1: Industrialization of Magnetics diagnostics. Alter Technology TüV Nord has been responsible for the design (HW, FW and Mechanical), industrialization and certification of the different electronics modules of the Magnetics Diagnostics System. Including Functional validation, EMC and SMF certification. The procurement of all these parts have also been under Alter Technology responsability including the Manufacturing Control plan and Factory Acceptance Test plans. TO3: Bolometers diagnostics As part of the validation process, Alter technology will carry on a preliminary Design Review (including EMC campaign). After this PDR, the designs will be industrialized and certified by Alter Technology prior to the procurement of 725 units to F4E.
[F4E] Neutron irradiation of ITER bolometer prototypes (2021 - 2023)
This contract consists of the design and construction of a rig to irradiate the prototypes of bolometer sensore for ITER. The project was lead by ALTER, and the consortium was formed by SCK-CEN (irradiation), ESS Bilbao (design of the rig) and Thune Eureka (manufacturing of the rig).
[F4E - GTD] Qualification tests on I&C equipment within the frame of Front End Cryogenics Distribution System (FECDS) (2021)
[ITER ORGANIZATION] CIS and DLIB Integration Engineering Services (2021 - 2023)
[CERN] EMC and safety tests on CERN power converters (2019 - 2022)
[OTHER - NASA, INTA/CAB] Screening and qualification o the ASIC of MEDA (Mars Environmental Dynamics Analyzer) for Mars 2020 mission (2019)
[F4E - HBM] Gamma radiation tests on vacuum vessel sensors (2019)
[F4E] Support to develop internal control & compliance procedures for export control and Dual Use components (2015 - 2018)
[ITER ORGANIZATION] Discharge Loop interface box (DLIB) design (2015 - 2018)
[F4E] Provision of support to the F4E ITER Department and Project Office Unit in the area of Project Management (F4E-OMF-43), LOT 5, CE marking support (2014 - 2018)

Relevant R&D projects

[H2020] New generation of High thErmAl efficiency componenTs PACKages for space (HEATPACK) (2019)
[H2020] New generation of High thErmAl efficiency componenTs PACKages for space (VIZTA) (2019)
High speed optical transceivers for space
[H2020] HgCdte APD Optimization for Lidar Detection Of greeNhouse gases (HOLDON) (2018)
[R&D ESA Projects] EUCLID, Slogan GaN technology, MTG Meteosat new satellites, MultiPurpose Crew Vehicle (Orion MPCV), etc.. (2014 - 2018)
[DESY XFEL] Helium vessels inspection (2014)
ATN has performed the Helium vessels inspection for DESY XFEL (X-Ray Free-Electron Laser) for CIEMAT