Modular cryostat
CERN Storage Structure
Pic legend 1: Modular cryostat
Pic legend 3: CIEMAT - LIFIRE
Pic legend 4: CERN Storage Structure

General information

  • Company name
  • Adress
    Pol. Ind. La Cerrada II, 25. 39600 Maliaño, Cantabria
  • Turnover
    1.02 million EUR in year 2024
  • Employees
    6 in year 2024
  • SME
  • Contact Info:
    • Phone
    • Email

Activity and Skills

Advance Engineering Mademan, S.L. (AVANCEM) is a technological based engineering company where innovation and R&D is in our DNA. Our know how is applied in Radiofrequency, Ultra High Vacuum, Cryogenics and precise Mechanics. We count with own manufacturing capabilities specialised in machining and welding. Our bridge cranes are 10Tm. Almost all activities are concentrated in our headquarters (10.000 m2). In this sense we can provide a complete expertise cycle:

- Design Engineering
- Manufacturing engineering
- Manufacturing
- Integration (even in clean room)
- Verification & Test

Avancem provides our customers all the way up from the conceptual design to turnkey solutions. Our main customers are either private firms as public research centres in fields as particle accelerators, astrophysics, space, defence and industry.

Contracts for Big Science facilities

[OTHER - ET - IFAE] Manufacture of beampipe baffles (2024 - 2024)
The baffles are a key component of the vacuum pilot sector of the Einstein Telescope developed at CERN 
[OTHER - YEBES OBSERVATORY] Supply for the fitting out a class 10.000 clean room for assembling components (2024 - 2024)
[CERN] Manufacture of tubes with cooling jacket (2024 - 2024)
[ALBA] Manufacture of tube with flanges (2024 - 2024)
[ESS - LUND-SWEDEN] Chopper top housings for ODIN AND HEIMDAL (2024 - 2024)
[OTHER - INTA] Feedtrough and connectors for the C2CC cryogenic system (2023 - 2024)
Design and manufacture of feedthrough and connectors according to the requirement and characteristics of the cryogenic system, meeting the technical needs at the temperature leves, and fulfilling the requirement of maintaining vacuum (10e-6 mbar) within the cryostat system, while remaining magnetically isolated.
[OTHER - INTA] Vacuum subsystem for the ground calibration cryostat of ATHENA project (2023 - 2024)
The vacuum subsystem is forme by: Line distributor, primary Vacuum line, and high vacuum line.
[GTC] Manufacturing and supply of spare parts for the OSIRIS Slit subsystem (2023 - 2023)
Machining and assembly of spare parts made of different materials such as aluminium, bronze and stainless steel
[CERN] Design and supply of one storage structure and two transport trolleys (2023 - 2024)
Structures designed with aluminium profile. In addition, the trolley has a lifting system. Both structures has 18 meters long.
[OTHER - INTA] Redesign, manufacturing and test of cryosections for the thermal characterisation of PLATO (2022)
[CIEMAT] Design, manufacturing, supply, transport, installation and commisioning of a experimental setup to characterize burning in lithium (2022)
[CIEMAT] Design, development and delivery of a complete system to test Ltihium events in support of IFMIF - DONES (2022)
[OTHER - IFCA] Design, manufacturing and commisioning of a cryostat to measure CCDs; Ironman (2021 - 2021)
[OTHER - INTA] Cynematic mounts for PLATO (2021 - 2022)
[OTHER - INTA] ISO-5 clean room for vibration tests in N-03 space programs department (2021 - 2022)
Design, manufacture and commissioning of a REMOVABLE CLEAN ROOM (ISO-5) to cover a vibration zone, with contamination control, as well as temperature, humidity and pressure control to characterize PLATO. It is formed with mobile module to allow the analysis of large pieces.
[OTHER - Polytechnic University of Valencia] Manufacturing of PMTs for NEXT (2021 - 2022)
[LSC] Machining of the radiopure copper shielding for NEXT (2021 - 2022)
Machining of 40 copper bars up to 1,6 m long and 6 tons.
[OTHER - DIPC] Chemical cleaning and ectching of copper elements for NEXT (2021 - 2022)
Cleaning of 40 copper bars up to 1,6 m. long and 6 tons.
[GTC] Supply of a cryogenic cryocooler for the new detection subsystem Osiris (2021 - 2022)
[ALBA] Precise motorised plataforms for LOREA (Ultra high vacuum) (2021 - 2021)

Relevant R&D projects

[] Design and development of a high power and efficiency microwave guiding system for research and telecommunicaction infrastructures (ECOGEN) (2021 - 2023)
