Fagor Automation: CNC, drives, motors and linear and angular encoders
Pic legend 1: Fagor Automation: CNC, drives, motors and linear and angular encoders

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    600 in year 2023
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Activity and Skills

Fagor Automation desing and manufactures CNC systems, drives, motors and encoders for automatization and control of diverse equipments. The encoder catalogue range comprises high accuracy open or enclosed linear and angular models with analog or absolute digital interfaces.

For more than 40 years of history the company has deployed a strategy based in two main pillars; i) Development of know-how increasing the added value for customers, ii) International growth. As a result, the company develops its own softmare, hardware, electronics, optics and mechanics for the various products what has yielded 30+ patents. Besides, the worldwide commercial network comprises owned subsididaries in 16 contries and is present in many other countries through distributors.

Fagor Automation is a recognised provider of solutions in the market that excels in the quality of the products, unbeatable delivery times, flexibility and outstanding support and service to costumers throughout the complete process. Specific products have been integrated in Large Scientific Infrastuctures by direct issued Purchase Orders or through integrators. Undulators are the most common equipment using linear absolute encoders for controlling the gap between the magnets. Specific projects of undulators using Fagor encoders were published in several scientific articles presented at dedicated Particle Accelerator Conferences. Other applications comprise anti-collision systems, X-Y stages or index tables.

A comprehensive network of contractors or subcontractors for Large Scientific Infrastructures is also maintained. Through these, our products can be integrated in the equipments constructed for those installations. Besides, Fagor Automation has its own R&D Department and Technological Center consisting of nearly 85 engineers, scientists and technicians, including a remarkable number of PhD graduates in engineering or science disciplines. Fagor Automation participates in projects funded by national institutions. It is also proactive in becoming partner in European funded projects. The Scientific Infrestructures may benefit of the developed technologies and advantages rendered by those projects. From a new enhanced optoelectronic technology named as 3STATECH to specific mechanical designs accounting for temperature or other magnitudes variations. It is the main objective to supply highly accurate, repeatable and robust products for fine positioning and smooth control solutions.

Contracts for Big Science facilities

[OTHER] Linear high accuracy absolute encoders (2024 - 2025)
High accuracy absolute linear encoders for the undulators of the synchrotron: Advanced Photon Source (APS) at the U.S. Department of Energy’s Argonne National Laboratory. New ondulators for the APS upgrade to next generation.
[ESO - INTA, Madrid, Spain ] Linear high accuracy incremental encoders (2023 - 2023)
High accuracy incremental linear encoders for a X-Y table. This table is in the calibration module of the HARMONI instrument.
[OTHER] Linear high accuracy absolute encoders (2017 - 2018)
High accuracy absolute linear encoders for all the undulators in one line of the X-FEL: SLAC National Laboratory operated by Standford University for the U.S. Department of Energy Office of Science.
[OTHER] Linear high accuracy absolute encoders (2015)
High accuracy absolute linear encoders for index table and other undisclosed applications: Australian Synchrotron belonging to the Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation (ANSTO).

Relevant R&D projects

No registered projects
