
General information

    • INDUCIENCIA, Spanish technical platform for the science industry.
    • Paseo Ubarburu 39, Ofi 308 20014 Donostia (Guipúzcoa)
  • WEB
    Leonor Mendoza
  • POSITION   Head of the projects department
  • TELEPHONE   +34 915810491


INDUCIENCIA Technology Platform is a structured forum, with the goal of aligning research and technological priorities around the Spanish science industry sector. It is led by the industry and managed by INEUSTAR, the Spanish science industry association. INDUCIENCIA gathers the Spanish agents involved in the science industry sector: Unique Scientific and Technological Infrastructures, companies of all sizes, universities, scientific facilities, research or technology centres and public bodies (CDTI, AEI, ICEX…).

INDUCIENCIA is committed towards the market, enhancing innovation with the objective of assuring competitiveness, sustainability and growth of the science industry sector by promoting public-private collaborations.

Main Activities

As the reference forum for collaborative activities, in close cooperation with the different stakeholders, INDUCIENCIA organizes different activities aiming at:

-    Improving Spanish Science Industry competitiveness by

  • Carrying out networking events
  • Developing specific training programs
  • Acting as consultant for public authorities

-    Encouraging R&D activities by

  • Identifying main common industry-academy R&D priorities 
  • Coordinating and boost collaborative projects 
  • Fostering technology transfer

-    Promoting International opportunities by

  • Organizing joint Spanish participation in different international forums (BSBF, IPAC, SPIE, SOFT, LCWS…)
  • Encouraging the analysis of international collaboration and industrial opportunities
  • Setting up direct/reverse missions  

Membership Information

Any Spanish agent involved or interested in Science Industry sector can join INDUCIENCIA. Membership is free of charge and can be requested by filling in the following form: